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The abstract submission portal will close at 11:59pm central time on Friday, September 13, 2024.

Abstract submissions for all species of food animals (ex: poultry, swine, cattle, and aquaculture) are welcome.

Note that the below sections have been modified for 2024.


  • New in 2024: Exclusive sessions on necrotic enteritis in poultry and any like diseases in cattle and swine
  • Age dependent development of the microbiome (acquisition and development of the microbiome, ex. neonates/chicks to older animals)
  • Beneficial physiological effects of gut health (physiological studies beyond the gut, not FCR or weight alone)
  • Host Mucosa-microbe interactions (mucus, epithelium, immune responses to microbes (commensals or pathogens))
  • Measurements of gut health / Intestinal barrier function (new ways to determine a healthy gut / barrier breakdown in disease or models and/or strengthening due to intervention)
  • Measuring gut microbiota impact on gut health (microbiota/microbiome studies, must incorporate host bioassays besides FCR and weight)
  • Mechanisms of beneficial microbes activity on gut health (mechanistic studies of pro-, pre-, post- biotics, must incorporate mechanism of action studies)
  • Non-microbial interventions in gut health (anything impacting gut health that is not a pre- pro- biotic, ex. small molecules, post-biotics)
  • Nutrition and gut health (anything nutrititive or additives involving gut, not probiotics)


Space limitations allow for a maximum of 2,300 keystrokes (including characters, spaces, and punctuation). Begin the character count at the title and end the count with the last key word or end of a table if one is included. The character count does not include authors and their affiliations.

Abstracts that are too long will not be accepted by the system.


Submit Abstract

Dates to Remember

September 13 - Abstract submission closes

September 19 - Abstract presenters registration deadline (to be included in the program)

October 4 - Sponsorship deadline (to be included in printed materials)

October 18 - Last day for attendee (non-presenter) early registration rate

October 25 - Last day for early hotel room booking rate

November 10 - Onsite registration from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

November 11 - Symposium begins


Stay informed: Sign up for email updates on the Symposium on Gut Health

