
Abstract submission deadline is 11:59pm CT, Friday, September 4, 2015.

To submit an abstract please follow the link below. If you have any questions or concerns about abstract submission please contact guthealth@assochq.org. Please note that if you submit an abstract that is accepted the presenting author must be registered for the meeting or the abstract will be withdrawn.

Space limitations allow for a maximum of 2,300 keystrokes (including characters, spaces, and punctuation). Begin the character count at the title and end the count with the last key word or end of a table if one is included. The character count does not include authors and their affiliations.

Abstracts that are too long will not be accepted by the system.

The topics for abstracts are:

Measurements of gut health
Intestinal barrier function
Intestinal mucus and host-microbe interactions
Gatekeeper function of the epithelium
Mucosal immunobiology
Nutrition and gut health
Impact of Gut microbial communities on gut health
Beneficial microbes and gut health
Development/diversity of the microbiome
Nanotechnology and delivery of bioactives
Beneficial physiological effects of gut health
Gut neuropeptides