Sponsorship Opportunities

Break sponsorship: $500.00 each (4 available)
Breakfast sponsorship: $1000.00 each (3 available)
Lunch sponsorship: $1250.00 each (2 available)
Reception sponsorship: $2000.00 each (2 available)
General meeting sponsorship of any amount also available

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

Platinum: $5,000.00 and higher
Benefits: Company logo linked to company website on meeting webpage noting sponsorship level, company logo printed in program book noting sponsor level, two complimentary registrations, and signage with logo at sponsored events. Option to sponsor social events exclusively. Option to have display table for company representative(s) at sponsored social events.

Gold: $3,000.00 - $4,999.00
Benefits: Company logo linked to company website on meeting webpage noting sponsorship level, company logo printed in program book noting sponsorship level, two complimentary registrations, and signage with logo at sponsored event(s). Option to sponsor social events exclusively. Option to have display table for company representative(s) at sponsored social events.

Silver: $1,000 - $2,999.00
Benefits: Company logo linked to website on meeting webpage noting sponsorship level, logo printed in program book noting sponsorship level, one complimentary registration, and signage with logo at sponsored event(s). Option to sponsor social events exclusively. Option to have display table for company representative(s) at sponsored social events.

Bronze: $500.00 - $1000.00
Benefits: Company name on website noting sponsorship level, company name printed in program book noting sponsorship level, and signage with logo at sponsored event(s).

Friend: $499.00 and below
Benefits: Company name on website noting sponsorship level, company name printed in program book noting sponsorship level, signage with logo at sponsored event(s).

If you are interested in sponsoring the 2015 symposium please contact us!

Program Coordinator
Jeremy Holzner